index - International Network of Territorial Intelligence

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La collection INTI accueille les publications de l’« International Network of Territorial Intelligence » ( Implanté principalement en Europe, Amérique du Sud, et pays du Maghreb, INTI est un réseau de recherche-action informel de chercheurs et d’acteurs territoriaux, travaillant sur la coconstruction d’initiatives d’intelligence collective territoriale et de transition socioécologique.

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Actualités INTI

You can find the videos of the various conferences of this TRIPLE EVENTO here (list updated as they become available):

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Dear all, Considering the current situation that we are going through worldwide for the Covid 19, the Organizing Committee of the IX Iberoamerican Congress of Territorial and Environmental Studies, II Latin American Meeting of Possible Territories and XVIII International Conference of Territorial Intelligence, decided to organise this threefold event entirely online in the form of a videoconference.Unfortunately, we are used to this now… The proposals that were made for this next international conference have received their evaluations. You will find on this page, on … Continuer la lecture de INTI18 – OnLIne, Nov. 24-27 2021

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Dear all, Considering the current situation that we are going through worldwide for the Covid 19, the Organizing Committee of the IX Iberoamerican Congress of Territorial and Environmental Studies, II Latin American Meeting of Possible Territories and XVIII International Conference of Territorial Intelligence, has taken the decision to postpone the triple event for next year. We will try to make the dates of the 2021 event as close as possible to what is scheduled for this year: late September, early October 2021 .Abstract submitters were … Continuer la lecture de INTI18-La Plata (argentina) => Report

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Notre ami Natale Ammaturo, Professeur de Sociologie et ancien Directeur du Département des sciences humaines, philosophiques et de la formation (DisuFF) à l’Université de Salerno, nous a quitté le 14 novembre 2018. Natale Ammaturo était membre de INTI depuis le début des années 2000. Avec son laboratoire il a activement inspiré la préparation de l’action de coordination du Réseau Européen d’Intelligence Territoriale (caENTI, 2006-2009), au sein des thèmes des systèmes éducatifs et des identités régionales. L’Université de Salerno a ensuite participé sous son impulsion … Continuer la lecture de Hommage à Natale Ammaturo

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17th International Conference INTI International Network of Territorial Intelligence 4th International Conference ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge Collective Intelligence and Innovative Territories. Transitions, Cultural Changes and Inequalities  23-24 October 2018 University of Salerno, Italy => Download the call for papers: INTI18-CALL_FOR_PAPERS_SALERNO2018 CALL FOR PAPERS (English) The Laboratory International Network – Cultural Changes, Inequalities and Sustainable Development (CcISuD), the network International Network of Territorial Intelligence (INTI), and the International Centre for Studies and Research “Mediterranean Knowledge” (ICSR-MK), invites you to participate in the 17th International Conference of … Continuer la lecture de INTI17-SALERNO (Italia) International Annual Conference

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